Check in return to school
Welcome back! Just to flag, social prescribers who work in the community with GP practices flagged to ERSA coordinator (Abi Gilbert) that some children and families in Maidenhead that she works with (Charmaine Wilkins) to support mental health and wellbeing have raised some concerns about anxieties, safety and belonging related to the recent UK riots, religion and ongoing war and conflicts, in relation to returning to school, which may manifest itself as ERSA type symptoms (particularly for the more vulnerable pupils), which fits the RBWM concept of ERSA. ERSA describes a group of children and young people who experience difficulties attending school that can be linked to school, parents/carers or child factors as well as wider societal factors.
Would it be helpful as part of a 'welcome back schools' LA letter or check in to remind schools of the 5 key psychological principles that promote transitions, return to school, resilience and wellbeing - sense of safety, sense of belonging, sense of control, sense of calm and instilling hopes and plans (see attached) and to sign post to the ERSA quick guides for schools and parents/carers which are readily available on the leadership bulletin platform and local offer for reference and early identification. I attach the 5 key psychological principles for reference which was shared with all schools as part of the return to school during the covid era. I leave it up to you, Katie, Al's team and new area SENCo to decide if this might be helpful or not. I will certainly be asking EPs to raise this at the first EP /School planning meetings in September and at the ERSA steering board meeting as the earlier we can catch this the impact of ERSA can be managed and recovered more quickly.
Dr Frances Lee