Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC) training
Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC) training
In line with many other LAs, I have been trialling online EVC training as a means of including as many colleagues as want to, to become demystified as to what comprises a safe, successful and well managed offsite educational visit. On the previous occasion I ran this there were 24 delegates who attended online so please let me know ASAP if you or colleagues at your school are new to the role of EVC this term or simply want to know more.
The session will last 3 hours, usually from 1.30pm to 4.30pm with breaks (date TBC) by emailing me
RLSS Aqua Park Accreditation System
The Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) facilitate the UK’s first accreditation scheme for UK aqua parks, created by The Aqua Park Association UK and Ireland Top Aqua Parks in the UK and Ireland ( We recognise the GOLD level of accreditation which introduces a recognised and consistent safety standard, making
accredited aqua parks some of the safest in the world. The GOLD scheme indicates that the Aqua Park has the correct documents, procedures, staff, and training in place for all sessions they run, and all of their equipment is third-party tested by a recognised test centre and certified that it meets ISO 25649. Any Aqua Park holding
the GOLD standard does not require further checks except for public liability insurance, which must be not less than £5 million per claim.
The Dangers lurking around Water
Just as if any evidence is needed that water activities carry real risks, please read the article in the link: West Wittering: Boy, 17, dies during school trip to the beach - BBC News . When visiting the beach please be aware that only paddling (i.e. water up to the knees) is advised (unless a dedicated, appropriately qualified lifeguard is
present at the waters edge) with a sound and active supervision plan in place. I have added National Guidance sheet 7.2;Group Safety at the Water Margins; to the Evolve resources area or visit and enter this into the search facility.
The Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge
Just a reminder that when choosing a commercial provider to organise and run adventurous, residential, or overseas activities on your behalf, please ensure that they either hold the Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge (LOtC QB) or send them a Provider Statement (find in the RBWM Evolve resources section, or search at, or email me for a copy) to complete and then forward it to me for checking. You can find out if an organisation you are wanting to contract with holds the QB by checking here Find a LOtC Quality Badge Holder - Council for Learning Outside the Classroom . There is generally no need to ask for risk assessments from providers as these will have been scrutinised by LOtC QB inspectors, or the Provider Statement requires organisations to attest that they have suitable and sufficient risk management processes in place. In general, touristic
organisations open to the public, or low-risk places of interest (e.g. museums, libraries etc) will not necessarily hold the Badge.
European Union Entry/Exit System (EES) and European Travel Information and
Authorisation System (ETIAS)
EU Entry/Exit System - GOV.UK (
From autumn this year, the EU will be introducing a new digital border system to strengthen the security of its external Schengen border.
The new registration process – called the Entry/Exit System, or EES for short - is expected to be introduced in November, however the EU has yet to confirm a specific date for its introduction.
It will apply to those travelling to the Schengen area which encompasses all EU countries, except from Cyprus and Ireland. Additionally, the non-EU States Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein are also part of the Schengen area.
This will require most citizens of countries outside the EU to create a digital record and register their biometric details, such as providing fingerprints and having their photo taken, when they enter the Schengen area. This should only take a few minutes for each person to do.
EES is part of wider work the EU is doing to strengthen their border security – in 2025, the EU will introduce the new European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS).
ETIAS will mean that those travelling to the Schengen area need to submit information about themselves and their travel plans, and pay a fee of 7 Euros, to apply for authorisation to travel before they leave for the Schengen area.
The EU has already set out more information on ETIAS, including what information will be required from each nationality. This can be found on the EU’s official Travel Europe website.
Paul Bowen