Evolve training webinar
Please find here a link to the Edufocus Evolve training webinar which was presented on Tuesday afternoon for those who were able to watch it first-time around.
Evolve is, of course, the web-based educational trips and visits approvals platform, which in time will replace the current paper-based OA forms. Please circulate to any colleagues who you feel would be interested and do ask them, or you, to come back to me with any questions.
A few caveats:
1. the email address given during the presentation for me is my Surrey one, but any communications via that will get to me!
2. I have not enabled the on-line risk assessment module as described in the webinar, as I believe the staff team accompanying any visit should write their own event specific risk assessments.
3. We provide currently the basic version of the platform, as described in the webinar, but mention and brief explanation is made of the enhanced Evolve+ system. If schools are interested in the additional features this provides this will cost an additional fee charged directly to the school of c. £200 (this TBC). Please let me know if you are interested.
Paul Bowen
Outdoor Education and Visits Advisor • Education