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Free PSHE play for schools

Introducing our educational theatre company, UpFront Theatre Company, to you. We facilitate interactive workshops and plays exploring the PSHE Suggested Programme of Study for KS2-KS5 including Mental Health and E-Safety. We have worked with 100+ schools since 2014.


Thanks again to the amazing support from the Inner Spark initiative, we are offering 50 free performances of Before Anyone Else, our PSHE play about relationships and consent. The only requirement is that the schools selected have 25% or more FSM (or between 15% - 24% FSM to qualify for discounted performances).


Our 2025 Spring tour of Before Anyone Else runs from Feb 21st - April 4th.

(Available morning or afternoon, and can be performed to an entire year group. 90 minutes. Booking includes Preliminary & Post Show Resources outlining topics covered in the play.)


Here are what schools have already said about Before Anyone Else:


“As ever UpFront Theatre was first rate in their approach. Hugely engaging, fun but hard-hitting and thought provoking.”


“Outstanding use of factual data, stats and facts…which corrected the stigmas and misconceptions around the issue.”


“Student feedback has been really positive and they felt some concepts were explored in ways they’d never thought about.”


You can read more about the content of Before Anyone Else here.


In order for schools to register their interest, please email us at


We look forward to hearing from you,


UpFront Theatre Company
