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‘Girls Empowerment Day’

We are pleased to invite the pupils of your school to the Girls’ Forum’s 2nd ‘Girls Empowerment Day’ which is on Saturday, 8th March, from 2.00pm to 5.00pm in The Old Court, Windsor, SL4 3BL.


Girls Forum is a youth voice group for girls aged 12-19 in RBWM. We are dedicated to empowering young women to have their voices heard but we strive to represent all young people in RBWM. Our event is for 12+ year olds.


The theme of the day is “The Women Who Will Come After Us” with the aim of discussing and addressing the experiences of young people who have disabilities, with a particular focus on neurodiversity, in our borough. We want to hear from young people about their experiences and then advocate for change for those who will come after us. We will write a report on our findings which will go to senior management at RBWM and Achieving for Children.


Can you help us to get 10 pupils (boys or girls) from your school to attend - there is no expectation on teachers to attend, we wouldn't want to take away from your cherished weekends but we have AfC staff supporting us on the day.


Please see the attached poster for more information about our very exciting event. We would be so grateful if you could promote our event in your school newsletters and share with all pupils and parents/carers.


This is the link where pupils can book onto our event but all this information is on the poster anyhow -


Please see PDF below with full details.
