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School health and wellbeing survey


Free school health and wellbeing survey being commissioned


I am writing to inform you that RBWM Public Health is commissioning a free, annual school health and wellbeing survey for all primary and secondary schools in the borough.


This survey is designed to provide valuable data on the health and wellbeing of children and young people across RBWM, helping to identify key priorities and improve decision making to support at both school and local levels.


What to expect

There is no cost for schools to take part. Each participating school will receive a tailored report, alongside national and local authority-level data. This will help schools better understand the specific needs of their pupils and inform decisions to improve the wellbeing provision available to pupils.


In addition to this, there will be a web page to signpost families, schools, and young people to relevant local services. Optional lesson plans will also be made available to support the delivery of the survey and encourage discussions about health and wellbeing within the classroom.


When the survey will take place

The public health team is currently in the process of commissioning this service and will provide further details shortly. This will include guidance on how to participate in this free survey and what support will be available to schools.


If you have any questions in the meantime, or need further information, please contact Sue Foley at
