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Developing a community of practice with inclusion, collaboration and consistency at the centre
Spring 2023 Newsletter 2 (01/03/23) 

Dear All,

Below are updates from wider teams and services. As ever, any questions or queries please ask!

Volunteer roles to sign up for

If you are interested in any please let me know.
  1. Panel A - please use this sign in sheet! **Huge thanks to Abi Quinn, Marie Bergin, Lucie Brennan, Lucy Johnston, Wendy Harris, Hannah Illman, Sarah Barnard, Yolande Brown, Fiona Fargher, Lucy Johnson, Sammi Broadway, Liam Keohane and Lisa Opalko who have signed up so far!
  2. Priority workstreams
  3. Inclusion Quality Mark award / Peer mentor
  4. SEND workforce working party (inc TAs)

SEND conference 2023 'Ambitious about Inclusion'

Thank you to those of you who came, based on the feedback I have received you seemed to enjoy the day and find it useful.

Just to confirm, you will be receiving the slides soon, these will come directly from the organiser.

Please ensure you have completed the feedback from. 

Message from the SEND team

Dear SENCOs,

Just a reminder to please copy in your SEN Assessment Coordinator whenever you contact the service about a child with an EHCP. While we do use the general CYPDS inbox, this receives an extraordinarily high number of emails every day so unfortunately there can be a delay in processing and responding to messages.

If you're not sure who your Assessment Coordinator is, please ask Aqsa Khan:

Many thanks,

Inclusion Activity Day (created by our Inclusion Ambassadors!)

Please share the attached leaflet with your Young People.

For pupils aged 11-19
March 11th 10-1pm
Activities include: Speakers, Workshop, creative activity and eating Pizza!
Thank you to Holyport College, Newlands, Dedworth Middle, Charters, Windsor Boys and Furze Platt Senior who have students signed up already!

SENCo Leadership Forum

NEXT forum - 14th March 2023 - 1-3pm - TRANSITION

Looking forward to seeing you all on the 14th.

As of yet, we have not had a school volunteer to host - please let me know if you can! I will confirm by Monday but it may mean the meeting will be hosted online. Watch this space...

Draft Agenda
Transition vs induction - shared values
Transition review *Currently working well  *EBIs
Transition of information * what is needed? *What is not needed * Can it be electronic?
Transition support - Chris Caughey and Al Whitelaw

OxWell Survey

The survey will is now open and will remain open until  21 March 2023
Schools can still register to take part in the survey within this window it just takes a few mins to sign up. Sign up will close on 8th March at 4.00pm.

A film about OxWell for schools/colleges to share with young people (and will be shared directly in the packs that schools/colleges get sent). The film is also on the OxWell home page on the website.

Year 12/13's don't need parental consent so these year groups an easy group to focus on

School don't have to do all year groups - they can choose a focus (e.g. yea 12/13 and year 7/9)  if this is easier to manage (due to number of laptops) 

OxWell has a number of resources to help schools e.g presentation for SLTs/Governors. - all are on the website

Pennies For Ethiopia

Hello PFC Ethiopia friends!
I hope that you are well and having a great Tuesday.
We’re borrowing Arthur and Ava’s brilliant idea again this term and inviting families, schools and businesses to “give up their pennies” for Basso Primary School this Lent, which starts tomorrow!
We’d love your support. Please do spread the word. Attached please find a flyer and further information.
We still need to raise £5000 for Basso Primary School Breakfast Club and also to help fund small business training for the parents of the most disadvantaged children there.
As we always say, “Little by little, a little becomes a lot”.
Special thanks to Rachel Sellman for the flyer.
Many thanks to you all in advance for your support. Do share your photos on the PFC Ethiopia Ambassadors' FB page: (2) PfC Ethiopia Ambassadors | Facebook
Don't hesitate to email me if you have any questions.
With all good wishes and thanks,
Sarah, John, Caroline, Ana and the rest of the PFC Ethiopia team
Mob: 07900 4117 15

SEND voices RBWM (new parent carer forum) - can you help?

Please share the attached leaflet with your families.

The new parent/carer forum has an ambition to have a parent/carer rep in every school.

Please could you engage about this with your parents and get any interested parties to email me, many thanks!

Training and resources
  • BHFT - Tool kit links - attached
  • Sign up to take part in the DfE funded Assistive Technology Test and Learn Training Programme today! If your school is interested in taking part, sign up today or visit the website for more information.
  •  DfE have released new guidance (see attached): Summary of responsibilities where a mental health issue is affecting school attendance.  

EAL cluster/resources 
Thursday, 2 March · 4:00 – 5:00pm

Due to teacher strikes this meeting has been postponed.

Further training and guidance

Please fill out this table to indicate any staff in your school that could support translation in a meeting.
