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RBWM Traded Services

Traded services for schools and academies

RBWM’s traded services function is managed by the Business Development Team under Achieving for Children’s School Support Services. We provide a coordinated approach to the pricing and sales processes of the services on offer, whilst also acting as account managers, addressing any questions, concerns or escalations schools may have. 


Below you will find details on the 2025-26 traded services buy back, including this year’s Traded Services Brochure which outlines the services that are available to purchase under the annual buy back process.


Traded Services Brochure (PDF)

Service Level Agreement (Schedule 2) Policy (PDF) 


Maintained schools 

  • The maintained schools buy back cycle runs annually from April 1 to March 31.
  • Initial quotations will be issued to schools in February 2025.
  • Quotations are based on previous year’s purchases with the updated 2025-26 prices, to give schools a starting point for discussing the requirements for the year ahead.


The maintained school’s deadline to return signed SLA 1s and secure their services for the coming year is: Friday 14 March 2025


Academies and free schools

  • The academy buy back cycle runs annually from September 1 to August 31.
  • Initial quotations will be issued in May 2025.
  • Quotations are based on previous year’s purchases with the updated 2025-26 prices, to give schools a starting point for discussing the requirements for the year ahead.

The academy and free school’s deadline to return signed SLA 1s and secure their services for the coming year is: Friday 11 July 2025


All details on changes or new additions to this year's offering will be included in the launch email.

If you have questions or concerns about the annual buy back process, please contact Business Development.



Converting schools


  • If your establishment has or will be converting to an academy status you will be advised of any specific requirements during the conversion process.
  • Orders placed while still a maintained school will be honoured until the end of the formal agreement. Schools will be required to sign up to a 17 month arrangement for the first year only to put them in line with the academy buy back cycle.
  • If you have any questions or concerns please contact the team using the contact details shown above.