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SEMH - Creating a Climate for Learning

SEMH Training - Creating a Climate for Learning for C&YP with challenging behaviours associated with Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) difficulties.

SEND Consultant / SEMH Coordinator

The aims are 

  1. To raise awareness of the complex needs of an increasing numbers of young people with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties.
  2. To empower staff in recognising that positive relationships and the use of language are essential to improve the learning environment for all pupils.


The training will include;

  • Maslow's Hierarchy of Need
  • Relationships and Language
  • ABC of behaviour management
  • Top Tips with behaviour management
  • Scenarios discussion


The training can be adapted to suit the needs and requirements of individual schools. It is available and appropriate for every phase/key stage.

To book this training please email
