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Developing a community of practice with inclusion, collaboration and consistency at the centre
Autumn 2022 Newsletter 3 (21/10/22) 

Dear All,

I know for most of you it was a tough start back but you have shown incredible perseverance and resilience and you have made it! 

I hope you all manage to have restful half term breaks!

Below are updates from wider teams and services. As ever, any questions or queries please ask!


Volunteer roles to sign up for

If you are interested in any please let me know.
  1. Panel A - please use this sign in sheet! **Huge thanks to Abi Quinn, Marie Bergin, Lucie Brennan, Wendy Harris and Hannah Illman who have signed up so far!
  2. Priority workstreams
  3. Inclusion Quality Mark award / Peer mentor
  4. SEND workforce working party (inc TAs)
  5. Removing the need for labels CCG working group

Diary dates for the year!

Autumn 2
- SENCo Leadership Forum - Tuesday 22nd November 1-3pm F2F @ Trevelyan 
- SENCo Induction (online) - Monday 28th November 1-3pm

SEND Conference - 21st Feb 2023

Inclusion Summit

**FOR HEADS AND SENCos!!** (Flyer to follow soon for parents) 

We are extremely pleased to announce our 4th RBWM Inclusion Summit. 

It will be a great opportunity for all Parents and Carers, as well as other key stakeholders, to come together to share information and celebrate developments in SEND across the Borough. There will also be a bustling Market Stall to peruse. 

Event details

It will be a face to face event held on Wednesday 8th February 2023 at Norden Farm in Maidenhead

9.15 (soft start and refreshments) presentations 10am - 1pm 
Click here to register your interest

Girl's Forum EMPOWERMENT DAY 5th November 2022

Dear Head Teacher,
Please find attached a 'Save the Date' flyer from RBWM Girls Forum which has details about their inaugural GIRLS EMPOWERMENT DAY!!!!
Our special guest on the day is Vee Kativhu who is an Oxford University Undergrad & Harvard University Master of Education Postgrad. Vee is an International Speaker and Girls’ Education Advocate as well as the founder of Empowered By Vee. She is also a Diana Award Legacy Award winner and author.
Further details about booking onto the event will follow at the end of September from our Youth Engagement Officer, Elaine Keating ( ) but for now we would really appreciate if you could promote the event (letter attached) to your students and identify some students who would like to attend and participate in our event. 
We are very excited about this event and really hope you and some of your students can join us.
RBWM Girls Empowerment Day
Guest Speaker:
Vee Kativhu
Panel members:
Rebecca, Lauren - Baby Bank,
Representative from the Soroptimists
Representative from the DASH charity,
Sasha Fitzsimmons-McGrath -
The Old Court, St Leonard's Road, Windsor SL4 3BL
Date & Time:
Saturday 5th November from 10.30am to 1.30pm
The women who came before
Our event will centre around female empowerment where women from across different fields of work and life stories come together to help inspire the next generation.
Warm regards,
Girls’ Forum

New parent carer forum - can you help?

The new parent/carer forum has an ambition to have a parent/carer rep in every school.

Please could you engage about this with your parents and get any interested parties to email me, many thanks!

Uniform email to Secondary schools

The Education team have been receiving an increasing number of communications that are focussed around making reasonable adjustments for pupils' - specifically school uniform. Most cases are for students with sensory needs, ASC or pupils who are gender dysphoric. 

We know many schools are working closely with these pupils to ensure a balance is found between adhering to a uniform policy but also making adjustments for those who are not able to do this.

If your school feels they need further support, advice of guidance to ensure you are working within your statutory responsibilities laid out in the DFE guidance (below), Code of Practice and the Equalities Act please contact Kelly or Louise.


In developing and implementing its school uniform policy, a school will need to consider its obligations not to discriminate unlawfully. For example, whilst schools can designate different uniform requirements for boys and girls, girls’ uniforms should not be significantly more expensive than boys’ or vice-versa, as this may constitute unlawful sex discrimination.

To avoid discriminating against those who share particular protected characteristics, governing boards should aim for their uniform policy to be as inclusive as possible.

Schools should engage with parents and pupils when developing their uniform policy to ensure that it is suitable for their school community, recognising that their school community may change over time.

If a requirement will affect a certain group with protected characteristics more than others, schools should think very carefully about whether this requirement is the best way to achieve their aims and what mitigations could be put in place.

Such a requirement will need to be justified as a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim if it is to be lawful, and the policy will need to be flexible enough to allow for necessary exceptions.

Even when a policy has been agreed, schools should be willing to allow for some individual variations to their uniform policy, where necessary to avoid indirect discrimination. For instance, reasonable adjustments must be made, as appropriate, for pupils with a disability.

If the school does not allow for these adjustments where they are necessary, this may constitute indirect discrimination.


EAL cluster/resources

Slides from the last meeting attached. Next meeting EAL cluster meeting
Wednesday, 16 November · 4:00 – 5:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(GB) +44 20 3956 7700‬ PIN: ‪630 931 624‬#
More phone numbers:

Further training and guidance

Please fill out this table to indicate any staff in your school that could support translation in a meeting.

Training and resources