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Developing a community of practice with inclusion, collaboration and consistency at the centre
Spring 2023 Newsletter 1 (19/01/23) 

Dear All,

Happy New Year! I hope you had wonderful breaks (although feels like a long distance memory already!)

Below are updates from wider teams and services. As ever, any questions or queries please ask!

Volunteer roles to sign up for

If you are interested in any please let me know.
  1. Panel A - please use this sign in sheet! **Huge thanks to Abi Quinn, Marie Bergin, Lucie Brennan, Lucy Johnston, Wendy Harris, Hannah Illman, Sarah Barnard, Yolande Brown, Fiona Fargher, Lucy Johnson, Liam Keohane and Lisa Opalko who have signed up so far!
  2. Priority workstreams
  3. Inclusion Quality Mark award / Peer mentor
  4. SEND workforce working party (inc TAs)

Inclusion Summit - Please share with your families!

Inclusion Summit (Flyer for parents attached - please share)

We are extremely pleased to announce our 4th RBWM Inclusion Summit. 

It will be a great opportunity for all Parents and Carers, as well as other key stakeholders, to come together to share information and celebrate developments in SEND across the Borough. There will also be a bustling Market Stall to peruse. 

Event details

It will be a face to face event held on Wednesday 8th February 2023 at Norden Farm in Maidenhead

9.15 (soft start and refreshments) presentations 10am - 1pm 
Click here to register your interest

SENCo Leadership Forum

It was so great to see so many of you at the forum (the slides are attached). Thank you so much to the staff at Trevelyan for hosting.

As requested, I have secured a date for our next meeting where we can have a cross-phased focus on TRANSITION

Please SAVE THE DATE - if there is a school happy to host, can they let me know.

NEXT forum - 14th March 2023 - 1-3pm

SEND conference 2023 'Ambitious about Inclusion'

Flyer attached - BOOK NOW

We are so pleased to confirm the details of the RBWM SEND conference 2023 'Ambitious about Inclusion' This is for SENCOs, Headteachers and SLT.

On: Tuesday 21st February 
Time: 8-3.15
At: Windsor Racecourse
Cost: £50

Please see more details and how to book here or on the flyer attached.

Please note, now we are in the Spring term, places will be offered to our colleagues in Slough and Bracknell.

Young Carers Training

Family Action Young Carers are running free 45-minute virtual training sessions on the 2nd February 2023 to support schools in identifying young carers and exploring how they can be best supported in their learning environment.

The training objectives are:

  • To develop insight of the roles and responsibilities of a young carer and when they may need additional support from Young Carers Services
  • To establish an environment for Young Carers to be identified, coded and supported within your school
  • Gain a greater understanding of specialist Young Carer support in RBWM

Please ensure you register to attend one of the three online training sessions, so that you are equipped with the knowledge and skills to best support Young Carers in your educational setting.
9:15-10:00 AM-
12:30-13:15 PM-
15:30-16:15 PM-

New parent carer forum - can you help?

The new parent/carer forum has an ambition to have a parent/carer rep in every school.

Please could you engage about this with your parents and get any interested parties to email me, many thanks!

Training and resources
  • Nurture Practitioner training - flyer attached
  • Latest GEMS flyers attached
  • Support Hope and Resources Online Network (Sharon) SHaRON Venus is an online network providing peer support and access to resources
    24/7 on mental health and wellbeing - flyer attached
  • IAS January Newsletter - attached
  • Gary Aubin - one page on co-production here or attached

EAL cluster/resources

Next meeting EAL cluster meeting
Spring EAL cluster
Thursday, 2 March · 4:00 – 5:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(GB) +44 20 3910 5822‬ PIN: ‪541 344 549‬#
More phone numbers:

Further training and guidance

Please fill out this table to indicate any staff in your school that could support translation in a meeting.
