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Leadership Update

and Schools Bulletin

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Encompass - Teachers' National Helpline


0845 646 0890


Monday-Friday, 8.00am-11.00am The Home Office, with the support from the Department of Education, have announced that they are supporting an aspect of Operation Encompass’ response to the Covid-19 Pandemic. The Operation Encompass Teachers’ Helpline was created in response to the growing number of children experiencing Domestic Abuse, many of whom will not currently be accessing their school, and also to assist teachers who are working in very different situations, without many of their usual support mechanisms and under great pressure.


The dedicated Operation Encompass National Teachers’ Helpline will run Monday-Friday, 8.00am-11.00am and will start on Monday 4th May for all schools in England and Wales. The Helpline will be staffed by Educational/Clinical Psychologists at Psychology Associates who all have extensive experience of providing consultation and support to staff working in schools and education settings, this service provides school staff with the opportunity to have immediate, in the moment, consultation that is confidential and easily accessible. This ensures a reflective space to seek guidance and discuss any worries, concerns or queries they may have following an Operation Encompass call, and in preparation for supporting the child. Operation Encompass also encourages schools to offer these children places in school during the current situation.

