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Spring 2022 Newsletter 6 (wb04/04/22) 

Please see updates from wider teams and services. Any questions or queries please ask!

Wishing you all a restful Easter break when it comes!

**New EAL Cluster Group** 

Thank you to those of you who made it to this first EAL cluster. The slides from Clair and EP resource are attached. Please see the next two dates 

EAL Cluster - Summer 1
Thursday, 12 May · 4:00 – 5:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:

EAL Cluster - Summer 2
Wednesday, 22 June · 4:00 – 5:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:

Find more resources and support here 

SENCo Cluster Groups

Maidenhead: 26/04/22, 2-3pm
Windsor - 26/04/22, 3-4pm
Secondary 28/04/22, 3.30-4.30pm

Topics on the agenda will likely include:
  • Green and White papers (summaries attached)
  • Consultation update
  • Recording case studies - sharing good practice
  • Ofsted experience (Maidenhead primary)
  • Inclusion Ambassadors (Secondary)
  • Matters from last meeting
- Inclusion week
- Inclusion video
- TA recruitment and training 
- Therapy service
- Parent Carer Forum update

SALT survey from CYPIT **please complete

SALT in terms Summer Term/Terms 5 and 6

As we head towards the last two terms of this academic year, unfortunately, the Speech and Language Therapy team continue to have vacancies in our team that means we are still unable to allocate a core therapist.  In order to ensure we are using our time in the way you find most beneficial, we would appreciate your thoughts on how we best use the limited therapist time available in the Summer term (terms 5 and 6).  This survey should only take a few minutes to complete. We thank you, as always, for your understanding and support at this time.   
Kooth update

From April, youth counselling and peer support service  will be available to young people from aged 10 who live or attend a school in East Berkshire.
Support for Schools -Regional Transition Workshops for Y6 Pupils:
The workshops will be delivered by Kooth Engagement Leads and will include:

  • Exploring thoughts and feelings year 6 students may have in preparing for secondary school.
  • Techniques and coping strategies will be shared to support the stress and anxiety of being in a new educational environment.
  • Information and advice on building resilience and understanding their surroundings.
  • Self care and positive thinking will be discussed throughout.
  • Guided Sign up to Kooth alongside mini activity examples.
  • Follow up resources will be shared such as the mini activities booklet, pre-recorded assemblies and links to your local Kooth Engagement Lead

* Safeguarding statement: During each regional session all participants' cameras and mics will be off, each zoom will display as a webinar meaning only the hosts cameras will be visible.
There will be a series of workshops taking place in June
21st/22nd/23rd June and 27th/28th/29th June
All sessions will take place 2pm-3pm on Zoom
To sign up please register through the Google form - 2022 Kooth Transition Workshop
There is a maximum for each session, but if this is reached and schools cannot join, you can contact Cheryl ( and we can share a recording instead.
If you have any questions, please do feel free to contact

Berkshire ResearchED event

We are delighted to announce the FIRST EVER researchED Berkshire, taking place at Desborough College in Maidenhead on the 7th of May 2022. We’ll have an excellent selection of evidence-based talks to tickle your researchED tastebuds!

Tickets are available here.
SEND strategy feedback event! 

Wider stakeholder event, including school staff (Online)
Wednesday 11 May 11.30am to 12.30pm
Register your interest here

GEMS updates

GEMS is a service for children, young people and adults that are diagnosed or on the pathway to diagnosis for Autism and/or ADHD.
Our service provides:
  • Informative workshops and courses
  • Social groups from the age of 5 upwards
  • Animated learning sessions
  • Home visit service dependent on specific criteria
  • A helpful and friendly telephone support team available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm or via email:
 Full details can be found on our website

GEMS will be hosting a virtual Autism and Food workshop on Tuesday 17th May 2022 6.30-8.30pm. The workshop will explore reasons why diet can be limited and discussing tips for introducing new foods. For further information on GEMS workshops and courses please see
To book the session please click the “Book here” option on our website or email
Please find attached the relevant flyers 

Other resources

There’s a new range of RSE resources available for schools  addressing Mental Health and Wellbeing Mental wellbeing | Overview | PHE School Zone
The Anna Freud Centre, have created a set of 10 free resources to help school staff understand the mental health impact of racism on children and young people, and to feel more confident in addressing related concerns.

Samaritans have created a suite of easy-to-use PSHE resources which are readily downloadable for use in secondary schools: 
Onwards and upwards: Summer Transitions Programme

This summer, the Family Hub Service will be delivering the Onwards and Upwards: Summer Transitions Programme previously delivered by the Behaviour Support Team. Attendance is FREE. Referrals must be made by school staff only.

The programme model will run similar to previous years with three days of activities and workshops taking place over the summer (22nd-24th August, 10am-3pm) to help those children who would benefit from some additional support to successfully transition from primary to secondary education. There will also be a pre and post summer visit to each child to support relationship building and to complete an assessment tool. A parents/careers information session will be delivered pre summer.

There will be 16 spaces available on a first come first serve basis with an initial limit of two places per referring school, additional referrals will be managed on a waiting list. Each referral will be discussed internally to ensure the programme can meet the needs of the child, this will be discussed with the referrer. Places will be confirmed by email. 

The programme will be located at Windsor Family Hub, transport can be organised for those families who do not have access to transportation. Food will also be provided for FREE under the boroughs FUEL Programme (Holiday Activities and Food Programme). 

*Please ensure before referrals are made that the programme is discussed with family and the child is available to attend all three days provision*

Referral Form

Referral Deadline Date: Friday 3rd June
Contact Email: 

Poster attached for promotional use.