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SEND area-wide offer

Special educational needs and disability (SEND) area-wide offer

Expectations for all settings

High quality teaching that is differentiated and personalised will meet the individual needs of the majority of children and young people. Some children and young people need educational provision that is additional to or different from this. This is special educational provision under Section 21 of the Children and Families Act 2014. Schools and colleges must use their best endeavours to ensure that such provision is made for those who need it. Special educational provision is underpinned by high quality teaching and is compromised by anything less. (Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years)

Partnership with learners, parents and carers

Involving children and their families in decision making is key. This section sets out the local authority’s expectation on all education settings to ensure effective communication and co-production.

Partnership with learners, parents and carers

The setting works in partnership with parents, carers and learners in decision making

The SEND information report is co-produced with parents and carers.

Parents and carers are signposted to

This is also referenced on the school’s website.

Parents and carers are aware of the range of communication channels available for sharing information about their child.

Parents and carers are aware of the SEN status of their children and the support and/or individually tailored interventions in place. They are involved in setting and reviewing targets for their child. Parents are informed when their child is placed on or removed from the SEN register.

Formal and informal events take place to seek views in relation to SEN provision in the school eg, children and parent surveys, coffee mornings.


There is regular, quality communication with parents and carers. This can be done via: a home school diary or book bag, text, email, web-based platforms in addition to communication given via learners.

An effective partnership with learners and parents is evident through their participation in assessment and review processes

Learners are involved in the graduated approach: assess, plan, do, review process, setting and reviewing targets and identifying their own learning strategies.

Learners are helped to understand their own barriers to learning and to value their achievements.

Learners understand and are able to contribute to the targets they are working to achieve.


Universal provision

This section sets out the local authority’s expectation on all education settings to ensure early identification of SEND as well as appropriate support and reasonable adjustments being in place at a whole school level.

Whole school response for children and young people with SEND

The school aims to meet the needs of all the learners in their community 

The school has an equality scheme and accessibility plan that welcomes all pupils and ensures that current and future learners with SEND have as full an access to the life of the school as possible to enable good progress in their learning. 

All staff have up-to-date information on all pupils’ needs. 

Pupil data is used to make sure all children make good progress 

Analysis of pupil’s data is used to inform practice and ensure progress for all learners, including SEND.

The school ensures smooth transitions within the school and when moving on 

Appropriate support and collaborative work to meet individual needs is given for pupils moving to a new year group or the next phase of education, work or apprenticeship. 

Reasonable adjustments are made to ensure smooth day-to-day transitions as well as appropriate support during unstructured times. 

The curriculum meets the needs of all learners 

All teachers are teachers or SEN therefore staff are well trained. The learning environment of the school is supportive to all learners, offering a suitable and where needed, flexible curriculum with qualifications for pupils that meet the range of learning needs. 

Teaching staff make their teaching accessible and appropriate for all learners in their class

All teaching staff have basic understanding and a skill level that ensures; they understand how to make their teaching accessible for learners with SEND.

Staff should have a willingness and expectation to undertake training in SEND that reflects the needs of their cohort. 

Staff have the confidence and capability to take into account individual learner’s needs and adjust their teaching and activities (including homework) accordingly. 

All pupils are regularly assessed during the year and their progress tracked. Where insufficient progress is noted, (and the quality of teaching is good), pupils are given additional intervention, that is agreed with parents, to secure their progress. 

The Equality Act 2010 is embedded in all policies and practice in the school 

All staff understand the term ‘reasonable adjustment’ and all relevant equalities legislation including accessibility requirements. These are also reflected in the overarching teaching and learning policy.

All staff actively promote overcoming barriers to learning for all pupils, taking into account individual differences (SEND or otherwise), whilst promoting understanding and acceptance in the peer group.

Parents and carers have clear pathways for advice and support in school and are signposted to appropriate external agencies 

The school inspires parental confidence by establishing a positive relationship as partners in their children’s learning and development, through good exchange of information and by using resources flexibly to meet needs. 

Families have an identified person, such as the SENCo, to go to if they have concerns, who can also assist in accessing Local Offer information for signposting. 

Staff can implement a care plan for children who require one to maintain their health 

Staff have an awareness on DfE guidance pertaining to medically vulnerable children. 

The school environment is positive, with staff able to respond flexibly to meet all needs 

The school provides a warm, safe and empathic ethos where learners have the confidence to share their concerns with staff, and know that they will be addressed, in order to support their emotional wellbeing.

There is a calm and purposeful climate for learning where learners know their contributions are valued.

Pupils can identify an agreed safe space.

PSHE is used to develop wellbeing and resilience.

Teachers are able to respond to unpredictable needs by flexible use of the environment (eg, safe space to calm down). 

Pupil’s voice is encouraged and acted on.



SEN support

This section sets out the local authority’s expectation on all education settings to ensure early identification of SEND as well as appropriate support and reasonable adjustments being in place for pupils identified on the SEND register.

SEN support for individuals and small groups: short term interventions

in addition to whole school response to children and young people with SEND

Small groups and interventions set up using information from a whole school perspective

At the whole school level, additional assessment and information is used to understand any lack of progress across particular areas. This then informs what provision is put in place. 

A provision map shows the range of small group interventions available for more frequently occurring SEND needs. 

The location and timing of any group or one-to-one interventions will be carefully considered to provide the best conditions according to the profile of need. This needs to promote inclusion.

Staff have training to implement short term interventions to secure improved progress for pupils, enabling them to benefit from whole class teaching and promote social development. 

Staff have relevant training to support and implement interventions appropriate for the range of SEND in their school 

Staff undertake specialist training in areas of SEND that reflects their cohort of children in order to understand not only the most effective strategies to support learning, but also the range of assessments, provisions and interventions available. (Advice on these above).

Staff make timely and effective use of outside agencies.

All practitioners, including teaching assistants, make a valuable contribution to learner progress

In line with current advice, the additional adults are deployed effectively in the classroom and their impact on the learner is monitored carefully to ensure progress is being made.

Mixed ability grouping or seating arrangements and additional support are used to promote independent learning as far as possible.

Strategies used in interventions are integrated into class teaching so that learners can sustain progress.

All interventions are regularly monitored by the Senior Management Team 

The effectiveness of interventions is evaluated by the teacher and monitored by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) to determine the impact on pupil’s academic progress and personal development. The intervention should have the impact of removing barriers to learning.

All interventions will be scrutinised by the Senior Leadership Team to ensure their effectiveness, and that progress continues in the classroom environment.

Interventions are tracked and reviewed to ensure impact for cost. This includes individual costed provision maps.

Interventions match the pupil’s needs 

Any external advice given in reports for individual pupils has been taken into account and implemented by the school, as appropriate.

Time-limited, evidence-based interventions which are outcome-based SMART targets focussed on the pupil’s needs. These will be set in collaboration with parents, carers and learners so that they can be used by trained staff with minimal adaptation. They may include training the learner to be competent and independent in use of curriculum aids such as appropriate computer software.

Targeted interventions for individual learners to enable all pupils to receive appropriate whole class learning.



Personalised and individualised learning:
Long term interventions

For learners with a need which is long term with no peers requiring the same intervention, the planning for intervention is personalised and specifically formulated to take account of the unique individual need. 


Personalised and individualised learning: long term interventions

in addition to whole school response and SEN support for individual and small group

Pupils requiring long term interventions with personalised learning may require the following. 

A personalised support plan which describes the strategies required to meet needs, some of which may need to be delivered on an individual basis. This will include detailed planning on the use of individual funding and delegated funding, with an agreed action plan. 

An education, health and care (EHC) plan which describes the strategies required to meet needs, some of which may need to be delivered on an individual basis. This will include detailed planning on the use of individual funding and delegated funding, with an agreed joint action plan.  Annual review will be required to show tracked progress towards outcomes in Section E of the EHC plan. 

Early help assessment completed in conjunction with parents for a child who has additional needs and requires the support of the team around the child. The lead professional may be a member of the staff. 

An individual healthcare plan (IHP) to maintain learner’s health, which is then monitored by specialist staff and/or IEPs.


Schools’ and governors’ wider responsibilities

This section sets out the local authority’s expectation on all education settings to ensure an established vision for SEND supported by key policies.


Schools’ and governors’ wider responsibilities

Vision for inclusion

Policies and compliancy

Identify children and young people with SEND, ensure parents and carers are informed and provision is made in line with SEN and Disability Code of Practice (2014) and complies with the Children and Families Act (2014)

In conjunction, with parents and carers, learners and the local authority, produce the school’s SEND information report. 

Publish the school’s SEN information report on the school website and send to the local authority for publication on the Local Offer website. 

Update this information regularly and at least on an annual basis.

Ensure SEND provision is integrated into the school improvement plan

In conjunction, with parents, carers and learners, publish the SEND policy and ensure it is reviewed regularly.

Monitor progress of SEND pupils and ensure provisions specified in EHC plans are in place

Ensure all policies take SEND into account through the equality impact assessment.

Develop a policy for supporting pupils with medical conditions that is reviewed regularly and is readily accessible to parents and school staff

Publish information on SEND funding and provision and monitor expenditure.

Maintain a current record of number of learners with SEND

Appoint a SEND governor and SEND coordinator (see SEN Code of Practice 2014).

Ensure that staff has sufficient training to effectively provide a high standard of education for all learners

Keep under constant review the arrangements for learners, present and future, with a disability


Local authority responsibilities

Local authority responsibilities 

Ensure sufficiency of provision for pupils with SEND and keep under constant review. 

Involve children, young people and their parents in discussions and decisions about their individual support and local provision (Paragraph 1.3 of the revised code of practice).

Make arrangements for the statutory assessment of learners and maintain education, health and care (EHC) plans.

Publish information on SEND funding and provision.

Monitor the progress of pupils with EHC plans and take appropriate action as required. 

Provide information, support, advice and guidance to schools, parents, carers and children and young people with SEN, including the Local Offer.

