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Developing a community of practice with inclusion, collaboration and consistency at the centre
Autumn 2022 Newsletter 1 (10/10/22) 

Dear All,

Was lovely to see so many of you at cluster meetings this month, the minutes and resources are attached to this newsletter.

Below are updates from wider teams and services. As ever, any questions or queries please ask!

Volunteer roles to sign up for

If you are interested in any please let me know.
  1. Panel A - please use this sign in sheet!
  2. Priority workstreams
  3. Inclusion Quality Mark award / Peer mentor
  4. SEND workforce working party (inc TAs)
  5. Removing the need for labels CCG working group

Diary dates for the year!

**Please share with your Headteacher**

In total there is a minimum offer of 9 hours over the academic year (3 per term), with the addition of the Conference and
Inclusion Summit events.

In order to support succession planning for schools, the (free) SENCo induction training offer will be opened up to aspiring SENCos. If there is a person in school showing an interest in becoming a SENCo please encourage them to attend. 


Girl's Forum EMPOWERMENT DAY 5th November 2022

Dear Head Teacher,
Please find attached a 'Save the Date' flyer from RBWM Girls Forum which has details about their inaugural GIRLS EMPOWERMENT DAY!!!!
Our special guest on the day is Vee Kativhu who is an Oxford University Undergrad & Harvard University Master of Education Postgrad. Vee is an International Speaker and Girls’ Education Advocate as well as the founder of Empowered By Vee. She is also a Diana Award Legacy Award winner and author.
Further details about booking onto the event will follow at the end of September from our Youth Engagement Officer, Elaine Keating ( ) but for now we would really appreciate if you could promote the event (letter attached) to your students and identify some students who would like to attend and participate in our event. 
We are very excited about this event and really hope you and some of your students can join us.
RBWM Girls Empowerment Day
Guest Speaker:
Vee Kativhu
Panel members:
Rebecca, Lauren - Baby Bank,
Representative from the Soroptimists
Representative from the DASH charity,
Sasha Fitzsimmons-McGrath -
The Old Court, St Leonard's Road, Windsor SL4 3BL
Date & Time:
Saturday 5th November from 10.30am to 1.30pm
The women who came before
Our event will centre around female empowerment where women from across different fields of work and life stories come together to help inspire the next generation.
Warm regards,
Girls’ Forum

Family Hub Community Club

Tuesday 4 October
Windsor Family Hub, 65 Alma Road, SL4 3HD

Wednesday 5 October
Riverside Family Hub, West Dean, SL6 7JB

9.30am to 11.30am

E: (flyer attached)

Update from SALT service

Good afternoon,
The CYPIT School Age Speech and Language Therapy Teams will be offering live online training via Teams over the next academic year.
Some schools won’t have a commissioned CYPIT Speech and Language Therapy service.  Although this won’t change, we are able to offer the training to all mainstream schools across Windsor, Maidenhead, Bracknell and Slough as part of our universal service.
The first training session will be offered through a live online Teams session and will be:
         ‘Top tips for supporting language skills in the classroom’.
           Thursday 20th October 15:30 pm – 16:30pm via TEAMS.
The training will cover:
  • What affects understanding in the classroom.
  • Practical strategies to use in the classroom to support:
    • Understanding spoken language and processing.
    • Using spoken language.
    • Vocabulary development and use.
Who it is aimed at:
  • Staff in primary school working directly with children in class who may need ideas or help implementing strategies.
You can join the event using the link below and will be able to ask questions using a Q&A chat function during the session. You will be asked for feedback on the session.
We look forward to seeing you there.  Please note there is no need to confirm your attendance. 
The next session that will be offered after half term will be on Selective Mutism.
Let us know if you have any queries,
Kind regards
Nicki Thorpe


EAL cluster/resources

Slides from the last meeting attached. Next meeting EAL cluster meeting
Wednesday, 16 November · 4:00 – 5:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(GB) +44 20 3956 7700‬ PIN: ‪630 931 624‬#
More phone numbers:

Further training and guidance

Please fill out this table to indicate any staff in your school that could support translation in a meeting.

Mental Health training
Mental health in schools: the role of leaders in supporting positive wellbeing
Free webinars on mental health in schools offer from The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust
Presented by four experts in the education sector, our free webinar series will explore the roles and responsibilities school leaders have in supporting mental health and wellbeing in their educational setting. You’ll hear about the principles behind implementing a whole school approach to mental health and will be provided with practical tools and guidance. These free webinars are suitable for leaders working in a range of educational settings and who have an interest in mental health and wellbeing.
There are four webinars in this series:
  1. Mental health in schools: an introduction to mental health leadership
    Thursday 20 October 2022: 4 – 5pm
    In this introductory webinar, we’ll share the role that school leaders can play in ensuring good mental health and wellbeing – for children, young people and staff.
  2. Mental health in schools: leadership and wellbeing in early years
    Tuesday 6 December 2022: 4 – 5pm
    This webinar on will focus on promoting the social, emotional and mental health of children and adults in early years settings.
  3. Mental health in schools: leadership and wellbeing in primary settings
    Tuesday 7 February 2023: 4 – 5pm
    In this webinar we will explore the topic of anxiety and how it presents within school, or through school avoidance. We will consider some practical ideas for making primary schools feel like a safe space for learning.
  4. Mental health in schools: leadership and wellbeing in secondary settings
    Tuesday 25 April 2023: 4 – 5pm
    In this webinar, Heather Daulphin, will explore the range of mental health and wellbeing challenges presented in secondary settings and how students, and staff, can be supported with these.
You can register to watch the webinars here.
They want to make their webinar series as helpful as possible, whichever setting you work in. You might be a headteacher, a member of the school senior management team, a designated mental health leadgovernor or SENCo.
The free webinars support their online training course Senior mental health lead training: a whole school approach
Pauline Peters (NHS Frimley CCG)


CYPDS reminders

Please make sure you are using the updated Annual Review paperwork which can be found here

Many thanks,

CYPDS team
Training and resources