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Single Central Record Guidance

Which Checks to Record


Paragraph 112 of the DfE’s safeguarding guidance says that the SCR must, in respect of staff members, include information about the following:

  • Identity checks
  • Barred list checks
  • Enhanced DBS checks
  • Prohibition from teaching checks
  • Section 128 checks (for those in management positions in an independent school or academy)
  • Further checks on people living or working outside the UK, including checks for restrictions or sanctions imposed by a European Economic Area (EEA) regulating authority
  • Checks of professional qualifications
  • Checks to establish individuals' right to work in the UK

In respect of these checks, the SCR must record:

  • Whether the check has been carried out
  • The date on which each check was carried out, or the certificate obtained
  • As set out above, the record should also include details of confirmation received from employers of agency and third-party staff, where relevant.

Supply staff

The statutory guidance adds that for supply staff schools should also record on the SCR:

  • Whether written confirmation that the employment business supplying the member of supply staff has carried out the relevant checks and obtained the appropriate certificates
  • The date that confirmation was received (independent schools/academies and non-maintained special schools should also include the date on which any certificate was obtained)
  • Whether any enhanced DBS check certificate has been provided