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CPD overview 24/25 save the dates



Heads Together

Please see below              Oldfield Primary School                                           Wednesday 8th January 1 - 3pm; Wednesday 5th March

                                                                                                                                  Wednesday afternoons 1.00 – 3.00pm


Assistant and Deputy Heads Together

Please see below             A range of schools                                                    Wednesday 15th January 1.30- 3pm; Wednesday                                                                                                                12th March

                                                                                                                                 Wednesday afternoons 1.30 – 3.00pm


Wednesday 12th February 2 - 3.30pm shared Heads/DHTs/AHTs Together @ Moor Hall


Spotlight on Schools


Autumn 2                          The Nursery Federation                                           Date TBC


PP Network Meetings

Spring                               Location TBC                                                                Tuesday 18th March 1.30 - 3pm venue TBC 

No summer meeting


Subject Lead Networks


English Jo Heffer @ Oldfield or virtual

Maths Nathan Crook @ Riverside Primary School

Science Karen Hodgett @ All Saints Junior School


Non-core subjects hosted and led by local schools – a brief virtual meeting will be set up to organise this for participating schools, if there are enough schools we will aim to have a Maidenhead/Cookham group and a Windsor/Ascot group



Autumn                                           after school times TBC                            Wednesday 25th September 2024

Spring                                                                                                                  Wednesday 5th March 2025

Summer                                                                                                               Wednesday 21st May 2025


Training for TAs

Monday 27th January Friday 31st January 2025 1.30 4.00pm (approx. timings at the moment)

We are planning a week of training for TAs – this will consist of five afternoons in the week 27th January – 31st January. The training will be free with all schools able to book a maximum of 3 spaces. It will be followed up by a further afternoon of training and support in the summer term 2025.


Walkthrus dates with Tom Sherrington

Spring                                              Moor Hall                                                        Thursday 13th March 2025

Summer                                          Moor Hall                                                        Tuesday 17th June 2025


Early Years Teachers Network Meetings

Autumn                                           Hilltop First School                                         Thursday 7th November 2024 4-5pm

Spring                                              Eton Wick First School                                    Thursday 13th February 2025 4-5pm

Summer                                          Queen Anne First School                                Thursday 8th May 2025 4-5pm


RBWM SEND Conference 2025

Tuesday 25th February 2025.  Venue Windsor Racecourse (more details to follow) 


