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Autumn 2022 Newsletter 1 (20/09/22) 


Dear All,

Happy New School Year! I hope you all had a restful summer and a great start to the school year. 

I would like to officially welcome Louise to the Area SENCo team as well as all the SENCos new to post or to RBWM. 

Below are
 updates from wider teams and services. As ever, any questions or queries please ask!

Volunteer roles to sign up for

If you are interested in any please let me know.
  1. Panel A - please use this sign in sheet!
  2. Priority workstreams
  3. Inclusion Quality Mark award / Peer mentor
  4. SEND workforce working party (inc TAs)
  5. Removing the need for labels CCG working group/

Diary dates for the year!

**Please share with your Headteacher**

In total there is a minimum offer of 9 hours over the academic year (3 per term), with the addition of the Conference and
Inclusion Summit events. 

In order to support succession planning for schools, the (free) SENCo induction training offer will be opened up to aspiring SENCos. If there is a person in school showing an interest in becoming a SENCo please encourage them to attend. 


RBWM 5 year SEND Strategy

We are pleased to announce the strategy has been finalised you can find it here on the LO as well as attached!


EAL cluster/resources

Slides from the last meeting attached. Next meeting EAL cluster meeting
Wednesday, 16 November · 4:00 – 5:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(GB) +44 20 3956 7700‬ PIN: ‪630 931 624‬#
More phone numbers:

Further training and guidance

Please fill out this table to indicate any staff in your school that could support translation in a meeting.

Update from SALT service

Dear SENCo,
At the start of the new academic year, we thought we would write to update you regarding the Speech and Language Therapy support for the 2022-2023 academic year.
As most of you will know, we had a significant level of vacancy during the previous academic year which meant we had to adapt our usual service model of having a core, allocated therapist for each school, instead working as a team to support the needs of your school and the children within the school. We were incredibly grateful for your support and understanding last year.
We are pleased to inform you that we have had some success with recruiting to our vacant posts but we continue to have a level of vacancy that means we are unable at this time to return to allocating therapists to schools and we will therefore continue to work as a team to deliver the Speech and Language Therapy support. 
For term 1 i.e. between now and the October half term, the priorities for the Speech and Language Therapy team will be:
  • To complete outstanding EHCP requests that were received during July and August.  As a service we continued to receive a high number of requests for advice over the summer break.  For children who are not currently on our caseload, we will therefore be asking for your input and support to identify if an assessment is required, then booking this in if it is.  For children who are already known to us, we will be in touch to arrange an assessment date.
  • To complete assessments/reviews for pupils with forthcoming annual reviews, particularly those who may not have been seen for a while.  We are aware of a few of these children but if you have more, please do let us know so we can support you in a timely manner.
  • To complete planning meetings with all schools.  We will be using a similar booking system to last year as this seemed to work well for the majority of schools and we hope to begin to send the invites out over the next week or so. 
  • To continue to respond to requests for support, advice and help that come in via email.  We kindly request that you send any requests to the address; this will enable us to respond in a timely manner. 
We have also been hard at work developing a training package that will include delivery of ‘live’ online training alongside pre-recorded video training and we are excited to be able to share this with you in the near future. 
Thank you again for your support, if you have any queries or comments, please let us know using this email address and we will be in touch soon to ask you to book in for a caseload planning meeting. 
Nicki Thorpe
CYPIT School Age Operational Lead - East

CYPDS reminders

Please make sure you are using the updated Annual Review paperwork which can be found here

Many thanks,

CYPDS team

Train the Trainer: Identification and Support of Young Carers

Dear educational colleagues,
In light of the DfE’s decision to include young carers in the school census from Spring 2023, the national Young Carers Alliance has worked alongside the Children’s Commissioner to create suitable models of support to help you to prepare for this change, along with a checklist to help your school or college to prepare. Schools will be able to use the following code set (CS118):
CodeYoung Carer Indicator
NNot declared
PIdentified as a Young Carer by parent or guardian
SIdentified as a Young Carer by school
The Children’s Commissioners report recommends all schools have at least one Young Carers Champion on their staff team. Family Action Young Carers regularly trains new Young Carer Champions; currently 14 schools in RBWM have trained Young Carer Champions within their staff teams.

Monday 7th November 2022 (9am-1pm) or Wednesday 9th November 2022 (1pm-5pm) Maidenhead Project Centre, Reform Rd, SL6 8BY // Free
This course, written in partnership by the Department for Health and Social Care and Carers Trust, is for professionals working in Children or Adult services in Healthcare, Education, Statutory Services and Community Support Agencies. We recommend that services nominate up to 2 members of their team to become Young Carer Champions to attend this training. Modules include: 
  • Understanding the roles of Young Carers and the impact on their wellbeing and development
  • Identifying Young Carers within your own workplace
  • Engaging with Young Carers and their families
  • Understanding the legal rights of Young Carers in the UK
On completion of this course, Young Carer Champions will be provided with relevant resources to use within their educational setting to disseminate learning. Trained Young Carers Champions will be invited to attend our termly Reflective Sessions to assist them with their roles.
To register a place to attend, please click on one of the links below:
For Monday 7th November 2022-
For Wednesday 9th November 2022-
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Training and resources