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RBWM SEND Five year strategy

RBWM's Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND) Strategy (2022 - 2027)



Achieving for Children (AfC) is commissioned by RBWM to deliver its children’s services. AfC went out to consultation on the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead’s (RBWM’s) proposed five-year Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Strategy, 2022-2027. The report on the consultation responses and following amendments is published here: 

SEND Strategy 2022 -2027 Consultation Response (pdf)

SEND Strategy 2022-2027

Below is the finalised five-year SEND Strategy 2022-2027. This includes comments made by parents and carers which they see as ‘musts’ regarding how to improve the lives of RBWM children and young people with SEND.

The strategy is also available to download: Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead’s (RBWM)Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Strategy, 2022-2027(pdf)

There will be an implementation plan which will set out targets and key performance indicators to measure impact, as well as an expected time scale for the completion of the work identified. There will be representation from a range of stakeholders on the
various workstream groups.

The SEND Steering Board will provide the governance for this strategy.


Vision statement: What we want to achieve

We aspire to ensure that every child and young person aged 0 to 25 with a special educational need and/or disability (SEND) in RBWM will be happy, healthy and achieve their fullest potential.

All children and young people are entitled to an education that enables them to make progress so that:

  • They achieve their best and become confident individuals living fulfilling lives.
  • Their emotional wellbeing is equally important.
  • They make a successful transition into adulthood is a priority.


Mission: How we want to achieve it

Our aim is to implement an efficient and inclusive system where practitioners work with families, children and young people aged 0 to 25, having the needs of children and young people at the heart of all decisions. We will listen carefully to children and young people and their families to develop trust and confidence, to build genuine and good quality partnerships. This will be achieved by practitioners from all sectors working together collaboratively to co-produce the most appropriate local provision and support.

Priority 1

Young people with SEND and their families are the ‘experts’ in understanding their child’s needs. We will ensure that systems are in place so that the voices of our children, young people and families are heard and acted upon, so they can shape and inform how we work together to get the best results in a fair and transparent way.

Musts identified by RBWM parents, carers and children

Each school to have a pupil inclusion ambassador.

For the new parent carer forum to be advertised and promoted through various social networks including Facebook and WhatsApp.

For regular reviews and meetings to be in place where parents feel able to express their concerns.

For parents to know where to look for signposting for counselling and other services.

To have an annual Inclusion Summit.

Each school to have a SEND parent or carer advocate.

Priority 2

Children and young people with special educational needs are identified earlier and immediate action taken. Pupils will be supported in a timely and effective way to improve their outcomes and wellbeing. This means that we will work with our educational settings and families to ensure that all staff are trained in the identification of a SEND.

Musts identified by RBWM parents, carers and children

SENCos to be given time to meet and listen to parents who have a concern about their child.

SENCos given time to train and support staff so that all staff can identify a SEND need.

All schools to have access to key staff such as educational psychologists and health professionals to support early identification of need.

Each school to have a curriculum which enables children with SEND to be successful.

Priority 3

It is our aim that all RBWM mainstream provision will be welcoming, accessible and inclusive, adhering to the SEND Code of Practice, so that they can meet the needs of the vast majority of children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities. This means you can expect your mainstream local school or setting to make every reasonable adjustment to meet the needs of children or young people with SEND led by strong SEND leadership within schools.

Musts identified by RBWM parents, carers and children

Greater consistency in the quality of SEND provision in RBWM schools – all schools to welcome children with SEND.

All RBWM schools to have achieved the Inclusion Award.

Good quality training for all school staff which is free.

Parents to understand what they can expect in terms of ‘reasonable adjustments in mainstream lessons'.

All pupils to understand what inclusion means, which will ensure a better understanding of SEND and greater empathy towards each other.

Mediation to be available in each school to quickly address any conflict between parents and the school.

Priority 4

There is an increased focus on earlier targeted and multi-agency intervention to offer help and meet needs at the earliest opportunity supported by training and signposting. This will reduce the demand on high cost, high need interventions as well as ensuring that children’s SEND needs are not ignored or misunderstood.

Musts identified by RBWM parents, carers and children

A reduction in the waiting times for ASC and ADHD diagnosis.

Improved communication with parents and carers about therapy interventions - what can be expected and when. This includes the need for Key Performance Indicators and accountability frameworks.

Greater communication between agencies, promoting a 'team around the child' approach.

All school websites to have the required SEND information including a glossary to support parent /carer understanding.

The development of a directory on the LA website with all the information available regarding interventions and where to find them.

Greater availability for children with SEND to be involved in a range of sporting activities.

Priority 5

Development of the right range of specialist provision within the RBWM to ensure that as many children and young people as possible can be educated in a local educational setting is a priority. There needs to be a range of provision to support parental choice and this needs to include more specialist social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) provision and a five-day week offer for post-16 young people.

Musts identified by RBWM parent, carers and children

There must be enough capacity in local special schools so that our children can be educated locally.

Greater availability of clubs and after school wraparound care in our local special schools.

Wider availability of therapists located in our local special schools.

More resource bases in schools and colleges.

More personalised support for young people with SEND from specialist staff in a range of settings.

Training available to local businesses to support a wider understanding of children with SEND.

More support available for children with a SEMH need.


Priority 6

Young people with SEND are helped to become resilient and confident so that they can lead independent and fulfilling lives in their local communities. Supporting independent living and employment is needed with options clearly signposted.

Education, health and social care services will work more closely together with the young person and their families to support this transition.

Musts identified by RBWM parent and carers

Local businesses to be ‘SEND friendly’ who offer more work experience for young people with SEND.

Continuing to support young people who are now living independently.

Ongoing support for young people with SEND once they have secured employment.

Supported social groups to be available for young adults with SEND.

Preparation for Adulthood (PfA) events at which information is shared with all stakeholders about options available.

Greater support available to advise young people about realistic options available to them.

Improving communication between education, health and social care to ensure a ‘team around a young person’ approach.

