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SEND Governor Role

SEND Governor - a model role description:



The SEND Governor will take a lead governance role in relation to the governing board’s responsibilities under the special educational needs and disability (SEND) Code of Practice and related legislation.   A key part of the role is to ensure the governing board gives appropriate consideration to SEND during its strategic discussion, including relating to attendance, behaviour, curriculum, co-curricular activities and educational visits, and during budget-setting.

Specific functions for the SEND governor could include:

  • To monitor the progress being made towards achieving any targets relating to the school’s SEND provision, as detailed in the school development plan / school improvement plan
  • To ensure that the school has appointed a suitably qualified SENCO and that this person has sufficient time, training, and resources to carry out their role
  • To monitor that the school’s staff are being trained and allocated time/resources as appropriate to enable them to achieve best impact from the provision they are delivering.
  • To monitor that the school is making special educational provision for any pupil with SEND, and that, through the curriculum and provision being given, the school is meeting the needs of its pupils with SEND.
  • To monitor that all pupils with SEND join in with the everyday activities of the school together with the children without SEND
  • To monitor that the school is making reasonable adjustments in line with the Equality Act 2010
  • To ensure and monitor that the voice of pupils with SEND and their parents is truly heard and appropriately responded to
  • To monitor the progress of pupils with SEND and to report this progress, together with the key identified gaps, the recognised barriers to learning and the information supplied by the school on how these are being overcome, to the Governing Body / committee of the GB [ie in line with the GB's structure and terms of reference / scheme of delegation]
  • To monitor that the school keeps up-to-date and accurate records relating to its SEND provision and the progress of pupils with SEND.
  • To monitor that the school has a suitable and up-to-date SEN information report and a SEN policy which is brought to FGB for ratification after any school update, and that these documents are published on the school’s website.
  • To monitor that the school does not operate in isolation and has built appropriate links with agencies available to support children and families.


