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Updated Information Sharing Guidance April 2024

About this advice

This HM Government advice outlines the importance of sharing information about
children, young people and their families in order to safeguard children. It should be read
alongside the statutory guidance Working together to safeguard children 2023. The
advice is non-statutory and replaces the HM Government Information sharing: advice for
practitioners providing safeguarding services to children, young people, parents and
carers published in July 2018.

This advice focuses on the legal framework and how it supports information sharing for
the purposes of safeguarding children from abuse and neglect. It does not detail the
additional professional responsibilities that might apply for different practitioners.
Practitioners should consider this advice alongside guidance specific to their profession
or service area. For example, doctors should consider the General Medical Council
guidance, ‘Protecting Children and Young People’ and those working in schools and
colleges should consider Keeping Children Safe in Education. Other relevant guidance
documents, such as the Eight Caldicott principles, and useful materials can be found in
Annex B.
