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Royal Berkshire Fire & Rescue Service - Free ARP Training

The Adults at Risk Programme (ARP) is a fire safety guide for those involved in the care of adults or children in the community. It lays down the minimum recommendations for the protection of adults and children who are at risk from fire.


There are many considerations to take into account when planning a care package that allows someone to continue living in the community with the extra support needed to ensure their safety and wellbeing. If fire safety is not considered, and the correct protection measures are not put in place, the person may not be safe in their home. Therefore, they will be at the greatest possible risk should a fire occur.


As part of the partnership approach being adopted, Adult Social Care and Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service can supply the following resources to support agency partners, families and the end user.


This training package is designed to enable you to work with Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service to protect vulnerable adults living in the community from the risks of fire. It has been designed for use by:


Domiciliary care workers


Adult & Children Social Care staff

Staff in any other organisation involved in care of people in their own homes

The aims of the Adults at Risk Programme


This course aims to highlight:


The increased risk of fire to vulnerable adults and children living in their own homes

Who is more at risk

The protection measures and additional equipment that is available

When to make a referral to the Fire Service

How to make a referral to the Fire Service

Booking Link -


